
The Maker Medley – March Challenge – Strange and Unusual

Good Morning all you internet lovelies,
I do hope you had wonderful weekends.
No automatic alt text available.Today I thought I’d show you the doll I made for The Makers
Medley Challenge for March, which was titled ‘Strange and Unusual’.
I must admit to being a little stumped to start with, I
really want this group to push me out of my comfort zone, but with joining the group late
in the month and having quite a lot on already, I didn’t really have time to experiment
the way I wanted to for this.
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No automatic alt text available.
I have been wanting to do a little more with paperclay, and
see how it can be added to cloth dolls, so I hit on the idea of this little
princess who is an elf fawn, with large curly ears and golden antlers. To give
strength to the antlers I stated with wire and wrapped it in the clay and I’m
quite pleased with the results. I still didn’t think she looked all that
strange and unusual and so added a fairy godmother to watch her and what better
thing to watch than an eye, so Blinkie was born (right on the last day of the
challenge to be honest). I think I might add eyelids with arms and legs to
Blinkie, she may become a whole range of dolls, what do you think?
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Strange and Unusual – all the dolls
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Next month’s topic is Angels (dark or light), so I intend to
get a little bit further out of my box with that one. Don’t forget to follow us
on Instagram to see the grand reveal on 16th April, when we all post
our dolls at the same time. 
Till next time, bye all.
Hugs and Kisses


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