Firstly a Happy New Year Everyone.
This first blog post of the new year was going to about looking back and looking forward with my plans for the new year ahead, but something very exciting has happened. In just the last couple of days I have been having a little chat with a wonderful shop called The Shop in the Square.
And I am very happy to announce that starting Wednesday 9th January, I am going to have a display in the shop. Recently moved, it has now relocated to larger premises in the Mander Center in Wolverhampton and I am going to have an area for my dolls, I am so pleased as I do love to be able to sell locally as well as on the internet. It is a wonderful shop full of local artists and handmade products. Perfect for all sorts of gifts and giving you the opportunity to support the ‘just a card’ campaign and small businesses. If you are in the area take a trip down there, you won’t be disappointed, all the artists involved are truly delightful.

So my next blog will have to be about my reflection and where I see Honey Pot Dolls going during 2019 as I am too excited to do that now and need to go and sort out a magical display for my dolls to sit on. There will be lots of posts on my social media if you want to keep up with what’s going on and see bits of the shop and my display.
Until next time
hugs ally x