
Build your own book – I’ve been trying book binding

I have become a little obsessed with book binding lately. The thinking being I can use the skills I learn to make boxes for my dolls using similar skills. As a Christmas present (or maybe birthday) a few years back, I received a beginner’s book binding kit. I only got round to using it last… Continue reading Build your own book – I’ve been trying book binding

art dolls · Artistic Souls Gallery · Branding

A new plaything and bring out the bunting

I find myself more and more pulled to a shabby vintage look, so I couldn’t help myself when I saw Anna Pavelieva’s IGTV post of her making some bunting. I just had to make my own. This is the perfect look for me at the moment, just the look I want to start trying to… Continue reading A new plaything and bring out the bunting