
Is anybody there or is just the dolls that are listening?

Well good morning again, don’t these weeks just fly by.

Did you all have a good Valentine’s Day or at least not too depressing a Tuesday?

I had a very good one, myself and Dr. J. went out for a meal and had a little too much to drink for a school night, but I yet again realised how very lucky we are to have each other, and how very much  my life has changed in these last 6 years.

But enough of all that mushy stuff. What is today’s topic I hear you all shout!! Ok hold your horses.

I haven’t quite decided, uuuummmmmmmm.

No I have really, but it does kinda relate to that scratchy head stuff.

What on earth should I write this time?

Why should I write anything?

Is anyone even reading this stuff ? ?

But do I write this for you or for me?

Now that’s a question I bet you haven’t asked yourself.

Well its a bit of both I guess, I write because I have something to sell you, I want you to all look at my dolls and say yes please I’ll have 10! No I don’t want that really, 1 will do, I’d have to get making quicker if you all wanted 10. But I am selling a product and social media and blogging are very useful tools, so I need to get SEO content flowing all over the place, that’s Art Doll, Art Dolls, Handmade Art Doll, Textile Doll, Collectable doll and all the other phases that may well get me seen.  But you want to read something a little bit more interesting than that don’t you, but without the SEO being right, no one would know this little blog post was sitting here all alone, so am I writing for myself.

Is this blog a form of mediation, an unloading of the mind or that feeling that we might connect somewhere with someone, that we all fundamentally want as a human being? Are these the things that make me start this outpour of words, and if you have read any of my older blogs you will know I pour out a lot of words, too many in the thoughts of most blogging gurus.

I think it may be a little of both, I write for both of us. I’m sure you will be glad to hear, that I enjoy these little Thursday sessions (my rambling, once I start, comes quite easily), but I will be looking into more structure on the contents (that you may really be glad of) and learning about SEO, Editorial Calenders, yep you heard right, I had no idea about them either, and all sorts of marketing planning. which I shall share with you as I learn, along with posts all about dolls and lots of how I do it posts.

Talking of which, should you have any questions or would like more details on how to ‘??’ the dolls or even about social media although remember I’m at the start of that learning journey 😊, please do get in touch through Facebook or Instagram or even leave me a lovely comment on this blog.

Until next week with a more structured approach I hope, or is that you hope? or am I talking to myself again, at least I think the dolls are listening. Whatever, I hope we all have a lovely week.

Hugs and Kisses


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