
Hi, Happy 2017, I’m Back

Hello Everyone,

It has been over a year since my last blog post, did you wonder what had happened to me?

Well I’m OK. I have just been rather busy and blogging became less of a priority. Well now it is 2017, the start of a brand new year, time for exciting changes here at the Honey Pot. All of which will be revealed soon, but for now, since I have not posted for a whole year, I thought I’d show you a slide show of some of the dolls I made last year.

Just Press Play

 I will do further posts on some of these dolls, showing you more details and a bit about my work in progress soon, but this was mainly a little blog just to check in with you all again. Hoping everybody had a good year and a wonderful holiday period. I will be back next week with some information on how the Honey Pot is changing, but until then.

Hugs and Kisses

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