
Cake topper and other decorations

Good Morning All
It’s a beautiful morning here in Birmingham, perfect autumn day. The sun is out and the sky is blue and now ‘Dear Prudence’ is going around in my head. No it was a lovely crisp cold morning for dog walking, but with that out the way it is now time to blog and as Halloween becomes further past, I thought I better share our wedding cake and Halloween trimmings before the mood goes entirely.
The cake was the first I have made in the topsy turvy style, so I did a little internet research and decided to make it big and cut away the excess which seemed to work well. (Although it did mean that we had rather a lot of cake sitting around the kitchen, Dr J didn’t mind too much though!)

And although it looked very precarious and to be honest I was a little concerned that after I finished putting it together at the hotel (7 o’clock the night before the wedding, talk about cutting it fine!) it might not be up-right when we arrive for the reception the day after, but because the actual centre of each tier was flat it was actually very stable. The wedding colours were ivory and blue, royal and pale so I wanted the cake to match that and as I couldn’t find a pale blue ready roll in the right shade I went with dark blue as the base, but I was pleased in the end as it looked pretty striking.  Possibly not too much like my original drawing though.
These photos of the cake were taken by our ace photo chap Rob Farrell, and he has a link up to his blog post of the wedding at the moment if anyone is interested http://www.robfarrellphotography.co.uk/wedding-photographer-birmingham-blog/weddings/99-tim-and-alison-simply-meant-to-be
but back to the cake……

bit of a dent in that bit, oops

For the topper I made a little polymer clay bride and groom skeleton sat crossed legged under an arch of bones and anyone who follows me on Instagram may recognise items from the pre photos that I posted each day before the wedding. The clay I used was the glow-in-the-dark one so they also looked great in the dark. The groom had a rockabilly quiff and the bride, a very large blingie ring, I even embroidered little faded blue roses on her veil, (love the small details). Marzipan pumpkins and toadstool added interest, and the layers were fruit, chocolate and victoria sponge, so everyone had something they liked. 

Now, we still have some fruitcake left, but going down at a fair rate and a topper to keep forever and a pile of icing roses, what do I do with those? any suggestions?

‘Simply meant to be’ was what we called our film (and also included in our vows, so mushy,) but I will tell you more about that later and in fact since this post so now getting a bit long, I think I best tell you more about the table settings etc next time, so just to sign out with here is a couple of photos of one of the buttonholes which featured a polymer clay bat, swirl (for want of a better description) and glow in the dark hand holding it all together, hand dyed foam roses and other bits, Have to say I really enjoyed making the buttonholes, each one slightly different, but all within the theme, and I had forgotten how much I enjoy flower work. Well till next time, for another late dose of Halloween don’t forget to join me.
Hugs and Kisses


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