Good Morning Internet Lovelies I have a confession to make today.
I’m a messy person.
This isn’t a good thing, but it’s not so bad either. I can usually find what I am looking for and I try to keep my mess to the sewing room and out of the rest of the household. Obviously, there is a little pile of knitting here and a set up for a photo there, but on the whole, I try to keep a check on it. You see I don’t mind a small mess really, I want to get on with several projects at once. There may be dress for me, a shirt of Dr. J. a couple of doll pattern experiments and what’s the point of putting all that away each time only to get it back out the next day to do some more?
Well when I went back into the sewing room this week I was horrified, I had gone too far.
A summer of
- having a broken wrist,
- making a monster,
- the whole ensemble for friend at his wedding,
- and then a dress for me to wear at same wedding,
had taken its toll. I have been able to take out things, by pulling with my left hand, but not put away again after I had finished with them. I am ashamed to show you this, but I hope it will show you how good I did in the tidying up stage.
How Bad?
So, after realising the extent of mess and just how bad the room had got. I decided a tidy was in order before I started anything else. Isn’t that better?
Much Better!
Really Useful Things
This table is one of the most useful things I have in my sewing room. It is an Ikea table that folds flat for storage, and I have covered it with an ironing board cover that I cut to size and gathered underneath with some elastic. Team that with my little craft iron and I can really get into those tiny seams involved in doll making. Useful as a table and instantly an ironing board. I only need to swivel in my seat from sewing machine to table and back again. Saving heaps of time and energy setting up the real ironing board.

Drafting Clothes
This little beauty is a wooden stand and the body part of my standard doll body. I can draft all sorts of patterns on it. It’s super useful. Next I plan to make one for my mini size dolls (which also will work for Blythe dolls, double useful. I will put up a blog post on how to use it to draft patterns for your dolls soon.

And lastly the magnetic strip I keep all my scissors and the like on, need an un-picker; arh there it is…
The amount of time I used to spend looking for these sorts of things. And this also has the added advantage of all my scissors are now magnetic. They are really good at picking up pins and needles when I drop them, double win.

This should be in a garage holding screwdrivers I think, but it’s ace just next to a sewing machine too.
Well that wraps it up for me today. Hope you all have wonderful weekends. I’m at the new Harborne Night Market tonight so wish me luck. Check out my Instagram stories to see what’s going on there.