
table name cards and the wedding countdown truly begins.

Good Morning all you internet darlings
Here at the Honey Pot preparations are hotting up. The kitchen blackboard has been counting down the days since October started and today says 26, inside the heart that the lovely Rob Farrall our photographer drew when he was taking our pre wedding photoshoot, I can’t bring myself to wipe it off yet and so now that it contains the countdown, it will stay there till after the big day I imagine.
Here is a couple of the shots that Rob took that day, one with the heart and one with Jessie just cause she so sweet.

I’m not in too much of a state yet, although it does come in waves when I really think about timescale, but on the whole I’m plodding along at a reasonable rate getting things done and ticking them off the check list, Though to be honest it does seem that as soon as I tick off something I think of two other to go at the bottom of the list. There are 25 on there at the moment, some big and some little and I’ve just thought of something else so that’s 26 now.
Also the house is becoming covered with half done items, for example at the moment the kitchen sink has some foam flowers in it drying ready for the bouquets. There are thing drying, things setting, and things I’m just not sure about yet all over. I am trying to get some stuff finished but there is a lot of waiting involved, so I start another task and then that gets left to dry/set/cook/cool and I start another. I am running out of surface space.  Housework may have to wait now, but I don’t really mind that you know.  
Well I did say that I would show you the next bit of the table name stands and that is the card themselves. I printed off b-movie film posters smaller than A5 that I downloaded from google, and then laminated them.  As they were smaller than the laminate pouch there was a fair bit of clear plastic around the edges, so using the same flat backed crystals as I used for the stands, I stuck a few around the corner.  I also, when the first side was dry, turned the card over and glued them on to the back as you could see the flat backs otherwise, and they looked a bit odd.
And once again use clear drying glue.

Finally I used a hole punch in the opposite corner to get a hole, thread ribbon through and tied.

Stand before and after, sadly it doesn’t really show up well in this photo.  
Well that best do for now, these blog posts may become a bit sporadic over the next few week, but I’ll try for at least 1 a week to keep you up to date. Other than that if you follow me on Instagram I am putting up a picture a day, as a sort of diary of progress. There’s a link at the top of the page, but my name on Instagram is ‘honey_pot_creations’ in case that helps.
So till next time, take care all.
Hugs and Kisses

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