
Soon ….. 4 days to be exact…

A Quick Hello
and just to let you know I haven’t forgotten you and normal services will be resumed about mid November after a well-earned honeymoon in Yorkshire, just me, Dr J. and Jessie the dog, in a cottage on the beach with no internet and a pub that lets dogs in. Bliss…

Jessie hasn’t seen the sea yet and loves water, so we looking forward to seeing her reaction to it all.  And I’m looking forward to doing a bit of painting, something I really would love to do and need a lot of practice at. Dr. J. will no doubt have his guitar. 
The Etsy shop has been put on hold too now, until after we’re back and settle, but then things will return to normal and I promise blogs will be full of all the things I haven’t been able to show you yet. So until later in November, wish me luck and see you later, and by then I’ll be Mrs. J. what a thought! 
Hugs and Kisses

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