
marks, set, making candy box outfit is go….

a big hello to everyone

so I have been mulling over my outfit for Candy Box and spent an hour or so wandering around the material store, putting together a great selection of winter white materials.  I didn’t want proper white as this can be a bit stark and cold looking, so I went for winter white.  Ok I know it is for winter, so you might think a cold looking colour would be what you’re after, but winter white is a warmer shade with hints of cream, almost yellow, that’s just what they call it. And I prefer it, I think it goes better with my skin tone.

The theme has moved a little away from Alice’s White Queen in the Tim Burton movie and more to just a generic snow queen, as in I decided a full length skirt would be a little over the top and the corset pattern I have decided to use is more like Elizabethan stays, I think anyway, please let me know if I’m wrong.

winter white velvet

I’m going to make it up in a velvet and I decided on this pattern as it has extensive boning throughout and I hope to incorporate a bit of machine embroidery into this to really decorate the ‘stays’, I shall describe the processes as we go along over the next couple of weeks. I made it up once before and it’s a great piece, not something you can wear every day, but still lovely.

Obviously since it will be cold getting to and from the venue I will need outerwear of some description, possible cape like and this faux fur will make up something lovely, 

Now I know the sparkles on the top bit of net are flowers, but from a distance they may look a little snowflake like, so that will make the top layer of net for the skirt. The other bit of lace is for sleeves, and then the rest of the big pile of material is net for copious underskirts, I am such a one for a lot of skirt, I do so love to swish about the place.

So the only thing to do now is get cutting, I want the pattern pieces all cut out before the kids get home from school, oops no it’s 3.30 well that’s not going to happen today then. I am going to set myself the challenge of getting this done with no more than 2 hours a day, there are still lots of other things that need to be done each day and I can’t abandon all of them for an outfit for just 1 night, even if it is a great night.  Well lets see how I do, I can always revise that as the day gets nearer.

Well I will still get the corset/stays cut today I can start playing with the embroidery threads tomorrow.  I’ll show how I’ve got on, on Wednesday.

lots of kisses and hugs
ally x

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