
etsy shops and 2500 views

Hi all

this is a very exciting day for me, I turned on the computer this morning to find the blog has gone past 2500 views over night.  I can’t tell you how happy I am, I even did a little victory dance in the kitchen (but don’t tell anyone).  Thank you everyone who turn up to read my words and to all those who stayed on and continued to read my little offerings.

And my Etsy shop is growing in stock, although I find that part of all this the hardest, it can take me a terribly long time to get an item loaded, but at a steady pace I will keep plugging and put up a few a day, so it is now starting to look like a shop I might well want to visit myself, instead of empty shelved and neglected.  I also have managed the mini shop as they call it down the side bar to link this site with the shop, quite please with that bit I can tell you.

And while all that is going on I have made a couple of berets this week (not finished as I need to go and get petersham ribbon (for the headbands), but almost done.  They are from this lovely pattern

I can tell you that my sewing is getting much neater nowadays as a lot I what do involves rows and rows of stitching, is this just coincidence….

or was there a lot of it about in the 40s.

I’m a little disappointed with the black one which is lovely check fabric and a fairly intricate stitch pattern, but the stitches just seem to get lost for the most part, hey ho you live and learn, I’ve got plenty left and I know it will look good somewhere. The green though will make a lovely warm winter beret.

Well the shops are calling, I’m off to get ribbon, some petersham but also some other stuff for a special project, I’ll tell you more about that soon, but I’m really excited about it.

I hope everyone is have a lovely week all round and don’t forget we’re on the way to the weekend now, and this weekend is extra special. Moselele, the ukelele band, are part of a halloween event happening in the local pub, a chance to dress up proper, and get the face paint out. To be honest even if we weren’t performing I would be going dressed up and ‘dead’ excited, I love Halloween. I shall share my costume with you on Monday, it is cobbled together from many other halloween and various fancy dress outfits I have made over the years and I do love to get chance to get the corsets out.

So lots to look forward to

warmest regards as always
ally x x

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